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At Bionik Strength we have written and developed the most comprehensive Kettlebell course to date. We have embedded high level theory into our in depth manuals, including detailed biomechanical foundations to help you understand the true power and value of Kettlebell training.


We find most courses do very little to help the personal trainer to truly understand how to apply the knowledge and skills learned into their programming methods, and how better to embed this into their personal training businesses. We have focused heavily on this factor and incorporated a detailed, citated chapter on how to effectively utilise Kettlebell training into various client goals.


This is what makes our Kettlebell course a must have skillset for any personal trainer, as they will leave the course not only with a great understanding of Kettlebells, but knowing how to more effectively train their client through all training modalities. 

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Gym Equipments

Sarah - Physique development

My personal programmes created for me by Bionik Strength have worked wonders for my confidence, my mind set and of course my body. 


Alex - Physique competing

I wasn't able to gain a single kg in two years. When I start working with Nik, I gain 7kg in twelve weeks. 


Elisse - Physique development

 Bum's bigger, waist is still there, my cycle is back and i bloody LOVE food.

Is this Kettlebell course right for you?

If these points below resonate then maybe the Bionik Strength specialist Kettlebell practitioner course is the right choice for you!

Biomechanics of lifting

Our 86 page manual is the most comprehensive Kettlebell resource to date. The manual is loaded with a full biomechanical breakdown of Kettlebell movement and function, explained in a way to bolster your understanding and knowledge in all concepts of lifting, not just Kettlebells! 

How to safely perform and teach an entire exercise library 

Our Kettlebell manual is loaded with 42 exercises for you to bolster your exercise vocabulary with, improving your skillset to provide your clients with the best possible sessions, suitable for their varied goals. During the practical workshop we teach you how to not only perform these exercises yourself at a high level, but also how to effectively teach them to others.

Enhancing your programming skills and versatility 

Our manual and workshop is all focused around practical application, everything your learn has a solid use with real clients! Our manual goes into detail of how to use Kettlebells to get strong and powerful, how to use them to grow muscle, and even how to lose bodyfat. 

Step 1


Sign up to one of our range of courses to develop your skills and knowledge as a personal trainer

What you can expect

Your Journey with Bionik Strength


Step 2


Embark on your education journey with Bionik Strength, following your education plan, using the manuals and resources and attending our delivery workshops both online and face to face.

Step 3

Support and qualify

Contact us at any point during your course with any questions or queries. Get detailed responses and support to help guide your progress. Once you qualify we are always here to support and help, so get in touch! 

At Bionik Strength we focus on the highest quality courses at affordable prices


Basia - Powerlifting competitions

I would be nowhere without Nik's knowledge  


David - Powerlifting and strongman competitions

Nik is an absolute professional & with his extensive knowledge can help anybody achieve their goal.


Alex - Powerlifting competitions

Nik showed huge dedication and 100% individual approach to my needs so I could meet the goals.


Nyla - Get stronger, leaner and help manage fibromyalgia

I’ve gone away with so many gems thanks to Nik, but the main one for me is the correct form to avoid injuries


Kirsty - Rehabilitation and help posing

Niks treatment helped me greatly with my posing as it loosened me and allowed me to get into the best positions to show off my



Jeremy - Performance and olympic weightlifting

Not only had my strength increased but my deadlift and squat mobility had also improved. 

Course structure 

Upon signing up you will be provided with our elite standard Kettlebells manual. This manual is the most comprehensive training resource on the market right now in regards to integrating Kettlebell training into your business.


Following your learning utilising the manual, you are given a learner assessment folder (LAF), which will consist of a series of knowledge based questions for you to demonstrate your understanding and application of Kettlebell training. When complete this will be submitted for assessment.


You will also attend a practical workshop where we will embed high level theory into your Kettlebells practice. You will undergo various stages of formative assessment through the day workshop, followed by a final summative assessment at the end of the day. 

Course cost

A single payment of £150.

Course requirements

The minimum requirements to partake in our specialist Kettlebells practitioner course, is to have  a certified level two gym instructor qualification. Although this is the minimum standard we would recommend having completed your Level three personal training qualification, to help with understanding of the theory and practical skills. 

Guided learning hours

you will receive our 85 page manual to study via home learning, this is an estimated 10 hours of home study. Following this will be an 8 hour practical workshop


Get in touch and start your fitness journey today.


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